ADILE transnational project meeting and training in Madrid

From the 18th to the 19th of January Predif hosted the second transnational project meeting to discuss the implementation of the project and the next steps.
On the 19th and 20th of January the ADILE project had also its training to enable staff and trainers use and get familiar with the ADILE educational platform addressed to people with intellectual disability.
Partners had also a chance to visit the Padre Zurita Centre for people with intellectual and physical disabilities in Alcorcón. A group of students gave us a presentation on the work done by the centre and all activities being carried out.

the original source

The next phase of ADILE project will focus on the Pilot Action: in each piloting country (Italy, Spain and Poland) 10 students with intellectual disability and their educators -previously trained on the ADILE platform- will test and review the platform.