ADILE Pilot Action in Spain

Last April PREDIF carried out the pilot action aimed to test the ADILE online training platform. 10 people  with intellectual disability from the Padre Zurita Centre in Alcorcón (Madrid, Spain) tested the platform with the support of 7 educators and support persons who guided them through the learning process when needed. Although the students encountered some difficulties in understanding the functioning of the ADILE platform, individual and personalised attention was sufficient for them to carry out the modules and exercises of the course in a practically autonomous way.

This experience has also helped us to realize that the training modules need more pictograms and visual instructions to be more accessible. All in all, we were able to see that online learning platforms, if adapted and presented in accessible language, can be useful for people with intellectual disabilities to be trained. Especially when the person already has previous and basic knowledge of computers, use and navigation of the internet, and so on. Users who are used to using phones, laptops or tablets in their daily life had less difficulty in using the ADILE platform.